DHA Pollution Control - for environmental and waste water engineering services.
DHA Pollution Control - for environmental and waste water engineering services.
  DHA Pollution Control is among the leaders in innovative pollution prevention, waste water treatment, constructed wetland/reed beds and the re-use of treated effluent.
  Golf Course IrrigationWe have been actively involved with golf course irrigation schemes utilising good quality treated effluent.

Golf courses rely upon a plentiful supply of irrigation water. This can be jeopardised by the Environment Agency's "Water Resources Strategy" which aims to protect and preserve the water environment.

Existing water resources are being diminished due to excessive abstraction and climatic changes. The water supply policy recognises that public demand has priority over other demands, for example water for golf course irrigation.

Water for irrigation is scrutinised very closely and could become unavailable due to limited water supplies. Abstraction licenses are subject to periodic review and may be varied or revoked at any time to improve the supply to problem areas.

The "Water Resources Strategy" considers the balance of resources and demands, the future demands for public, industrial and agricultural water supplies, the need to improve 'low flow rivers' resulting from excessive abstraction and the selection of water resource options required to meet justified needs. These considerations will have an effect on a large number of golf courses. The predicted increase in the need for water is likely to cause a deficit in most areas whilst present water abstraction levels have resulted in the decline of many rivers with associated loss of habitat and wildlife.

Spray irrigation requirements are generally at their highest at times of the year when the flows of groundwater, rivers and streams are at their lowest. In some parts of the country the peak drought demand for spray irrigation is currently exceeding water availability.

The Environment Agency can apply legislation to restrict abstraction for spray irrigation during periods of water shortage. The restrictions are never popular but they are essential to protect the environment.

DHA Pollution Control believe that investigation and implementation of alternative water efficient schemes must be considered to meet the increasing demand for water.

DHA Pollution Control has been actively involved in a number of projects to promote the re-use of treated effluent as a valuable resource of irrigation water. The schemes have attracted unanimous support from Statutory Authorities and have been of significant benefit to the environment whilst ensuring the long term sustainability and viability of the Golf Course.

  Further details are available on request from:
DHA Pollution Control
4 Holly Close
Alveston, Bristol
BS35 3PW
01454 418880
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